Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which OBDQuest, operated by Shop Booster LTD, collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected  from users (each, a “User”) of the OBDQuest mobile application  (“App”).

1. Information Collection and Use

Types of Data Collected:

Personal Data:Users may provide personal data such as email, password, and full name  during registration and account  management. Payment data is managed  directly by App Stores (Google Play and  App  Store).

Data Collection Methods:

User Inputs:Data is collected through user input during registration and account  management  within the App.

Purpose of Data Use:

Authentication & Account Management: Collected data is used for user authentication,account creation, and management within the App.

Email Updates & Marketing: Users may receive email updates and marketing  communications related to the App and its services.

2. Data Sharing and Disclosure

Data Sharing Practices:

No data is shared with third parties. All user-provided data is used solely for the  purposes  outlined above.

3. Analytics and Advertising Services

OBD Quest App partners with companies for analytics and advertising. They help us understand how people use our app, show ads on our behalf on the internet, and track how well these ads perform. These partners might use cookies and similar tech to gather info about how you use our app and other websites.

4. Google Ads

When you use OBD Quest App, third parties might collect info about you using automatic tech. For instance, we use Google Ads to show ads about our app and services on various websites, including Google. These ads are based on the parts of our app you’ve used. This process involves a cookie placed on your device, but it doesn’t identify you or grant us access to your device. The cookie just lets other websites know you’ve used certain features in our app, so they can show you related ads. If you prefer not to take part in Google Ads Remarketing, you can opt-out via Google’s Ads Preferences Manager at .

5. Children’s Privacy

Our services are meant for individuals aged 18 and above, and we don’t intentionally gather personal details from anyone under 18. If we discover that we’ve unintentionally collected personal information from a child under 18 without parental consent, we will promptly delete that information. If you suspect that we might have information regarding a child under 18, please reach out to us at

6. User Controls and Rights

User Controls:

Users have the right to update, delete, or opt-out of data usage at any time. Account  management options within the App allow  for these actions.

7. Data Security

Data Security Measures:

Data is stored securely on trusted platforms – Adalo (, Xano (  databases, and Brevo ( for email and full name. These platforms  ensure data security and compliance with industry standards.

8. Policy Updates

Policy Updates:

Users will be informed of any changes to this Privacy Policy via email and in-app  notifications. Continued use of the App  after such modifications  constitutes acceptance of the updated  policy.

9. Disclaimers

  • This OBDQuest App is designed to provide vehicle owners with informative content to assist in making informed decisions regarding vehicle repairs.
  • OBDQuest code interpretation is generated by an AI system for informational purposes only. It’s not professional advice or a definitive diagnostic solution.
  • AI interpretation may not cover all scenarios or vehicle specifics. For precise details, consult qualified automotive professionals or official OEM documentation.
  • The information presented herein is not intended as exhaustive repair guides. For comprehensive repair instructions, we recommend using a repair manual.
  • While the App may offer advice on car repairs, it is important to note that OBDQuest and its owners bear no responsibility for actions taken on any vehicles based on this information. Users follow the guidance provided on this App at their own discretion and risk. In instances of uncertainty regarding procedures, we strongly advise consulting a qualified technician.
  • We’re not liable for actions taken based on AI interpretation. Users assume risks associated with relying on this information.

10. Legal Compliance

Legal Compliance:

Our data practices comply with all relevant legal requirements, including the  General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)and the California Consumer  Privacy Act (CCPA).

11. Contact Information

For any inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or to exercise your data  rights, please contact us at